Monday, November 2, 2009

Half a Cow, Dude

Yes, Colton was a cow for Halloween. Or rather, half a cow. Because the boy is HUGE and he didn't fit into the 18-month size cow costume. It had little hoof-footies at the bottom and a cute cow-head hood at the top. Only, after snapping poor Colton into the footies, you couldn't pull the hood up without squishing him. Poor kid.

The hood, however, was key to the cow-persona. So we unsnapped the bottom and pulled his poor, squashed legs out. Colton was all cow on top, and bare-legged baby on the bottom.

Cael was a clown. Again. The costume was Adam's when he was that age, and it was a little big last year and a little short this year. Last year we had a football game on Halloween, and Cael really didn't quite "get" Halloween. I'm pretty sure the clown costume was just another outfit to him. But this year? This year we painted his face, and he kept the hat on the whole time. He said "Trick or Treat," and "Thank you," and "Happy Halloween!" Such a big boy! We trick-or-treated at both ends of our cul-de-sac and called it a night as Cael staggered home.