Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wet One, Dry One

So this morning, Cael woke up dry. Let's take a moment to celebrate before we move on, shall we? Yaaayyyyyyy!!!! Yes, I was very proud of my big boy this morning. We called Daddy and made sure to let Donna and Sarah from daycare know, too.

Cael woke up dry once before, but that time, he was up in the middle of the night to pee (an impressive feat in and of itself). Last night, he was up moments after we put him to bed -- peeing as a means of putting off the inevitable bedtime -- but then slept through the night. Dry! I was pretty stoked.

Colton? Woke up soaked to the armpits, poor kid. It must have been all that water he drank at the Elks lodge last night during dinner. Bad Mommy forgot to bring any food or milk for poor Colton. But I don't think he suffered. He enjoyed some stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy. People-food. He couldn't get enough! Cleaned his plate and then our friend Irma's too. Guess it's time to start planning our dinners with a (mostly) toothless one in mind (again). I know Colton couldn't agree more. Bring on the mashed potatoes and gravy!

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