Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Walking and Talking and Driving Carefully

Colton is walking! In the week leading up to Thanksgiving (11/26 this year), he started taking tiny, shuffling steps. Now, two weeks later, the kid really walks. He still crawls when he wants to cover some distance. And man, that kid is a fast crawler, even if he still looks like he's limping -- left knee, right foot, left knee, right foot. Cael crawled the same way -- you wouldn't think something like that would be genetic, but apparently so. But I digress. Did I tell you Colton is walking?! So exciting!

And Cael? Cael is talking. Which is nothing new. But oh, the things he says! The latest cute thing is to drag out the good nights.

Me: Good night, buddy. I love you. See you in the morning. (heading for the door)
Cael: Good night, Mommy
Me: Good night buddy (standing in the doorway)
Cael: I love you
Me: I love you too, buddy (reaching for doorknob)
Cael: See you tomorrow
Me: See you tomorrow (trying to close the door)
Cael: Drive carefully
Me: Thanks buddy. Night night. (closing door)
Cael: Mommy! Mommy! Drive CAREfully!
Me: (opening door) Drive carefully, buddy. Good night. (closing door and running)

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