Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I Got a PUMP!

Speaking of Nana and Pops' arrival... what a spectacular welcome they got from Cael. No sooner were they in the door, than Cael was racing ecstatically around the house, pulling out every single toy from every single tidily-stowed basket to show them to Nana and Pops.

"Look, Nana! I got Elmo! He dances."

"Look, Pops! I got tools!"

Racing to the living room, he dumps out an entire bin of building blocks. "Look! My blocks!"

"This is my monkey sock!" (Referring to his Sock Monkey jack-in-the-box.)

Then, racing back to the hallway where we have stowed miscellaneous toys in baskets, Cael hauls out the pièce de résistance -- a plastic pump for Adam's exercise ball.

"Look! I got a PUMP!"


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