Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Waving Bye-Bye

Colton impressed me the other day. Nana and Pops had arrived in town and were leaving our house after dinner to return to the RV Park and some well-deserved rest. We stood on the front porch, and I watched as Cael gleefully jumped around the front yard, waving and yelling "Bye-Bye Nana and Pops," at the top of his lungs. As the truck drove away I looked down to see Colton, arm outstretched, apparently waving goodbye.

I didn't want to get too excited. I mean, I'd been working with him, shaking his arm when I said goodbye on his behalf. But he'd never done that before!

Then, on another occasion, he did it again. And again. And again! This morning, Colton waved goodbye to me! How sweet is he?

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